Issue 123

December 2014

Aundre Jacobs

Fighters Only magazine assistant editor


The yellow card system used in Pride was a great concept as it ensured fighters delivered inside of the ring. As much as mixed martial arts is a sport, it’s also about entertainment. When a fighter doesn’t go out of their way to advance position on the ground and look for a submission or strikes, or if they’re unwilling to fully engage in the stand-up, they’re effectively failing to do their job to the best of their ability. They’re not providing entertainment. However, if you threaten to take away 10% of a fighter’s purse for not committing to the action then they’re put in a position where they have no choice but to fight. Surely the return of the card system would eliminate MMA’s dreaded lay ‘n’ pray tactic for good.

Enson Inoue

Japanese-American former Pride heavyweight 


It would not make much of a difference today because the referees will give a warning and deduct points. A yellow card would be advantageous to the fans so they can understand what’s going on in a fight and why the referee is stopping the action perhaps. It might be a good way to stop fighters from doing nothing as once they got a yellow card that was 10% of their purse deducted. However, I don’t think it would necessarily make fights more exciting than they are already because the threat of getting a point deducted for stalling is just as threatening as getting a yellow card. I’m sure a lot of fighters were afraid of getting a yellow card in Pride, but I didn’t really care because I always came to fight.

What you had to say on the matter...


“Not until fighter pay increases. A percentage out of an already low purse is unfair. The point deduction system is fine atm.”



“Yes!! Only way to stop negative tactics and avoidance fighting is to fine fighters. Yellow cards a must.”



“No. I always found it to have little consequence. But something does need to be done about pokes and knees to the groin.”



“It definitely should be trialled at some events.”

