Issue 105

September 2013

The brand-loving UFC welterweight star reveals his plans for an ATT biker gang TV show.


What was the first car you owned and how much did it cost?

“The first car I owned was the Maserati Sport and that cost me about $145,000. It was a pretty cool first car, the way it drives, it’s a very smooth ride and had a lot of power. Plus it looked good too.”

That’s a pretty awesome first car. Do you still have it? How could you upgrade from that?

“No, no I got rid of it awhile go. Now I’m driving a Range Rover Sport. Like the Maserati, it’s still a pretty fast car, but I like driving trucks not driving small cars. It’s also good because I can put my dogs in there and I can fit all my bags in too.”

If you could own any car in the world, what would you have?

“Honestly, I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got at the moment, but if I could own any car in the world it would probably be a Ferrari or Lamborghini. But I’ve been there and done that when it comes to sports cars and they’re not really a good investment, they’re just toys.”


You’ve come out to a lot of southern hip-hop, mostly T.I., is that the music genre you enjoy the most?

“Yeah, I like listening to hip-hop, especially when I’m working out. That’s really my jam. I like Lil Wayne, Drake, T.I. and all of those guys. However, in my chill out time I really like listening to country music.”

We would’ve never taken you for a country music lover. What sort of country are you into?

“I’m listening to Tim McGraw right now, I really like him. I don’t really know the names of artists or bands or anything like that, I just like listening to it because the music reminds me of home.”

Florida has a pretty vibrant and diverse club scene, what type of music do you dislike and try to avoid, especially when you go to clubs?

“There isn’t much in terms of music I don’t like. If they’re playing hardcore house at a club then that’s not something that I like, but I do like house music when there are vocals on top of it. I just don’t go to the clubs when they play music I don’t like. I just stay at home.”

What song is your guilty pleasure?

“It’s kind of weird because in America you don’t really sing songs that are sung by a girl, but in Brazil we don’t have that, we’ll sing anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl singing it, we’ll sing it. So sometimes my American friends will look at me and be like, ‘Why are you singing that?’ (laughs).”


Hit shuffle and tell us the first five songs, no cheating!

2Pac, All Eyez On Me

“2Pac is one of the greatest ever, and this is such a classic song. A definite must for all hip-hop lovers. I like that.”

Survivor, Eye of the Tiger

“It’s just a classic song, it’s actually going to be my next walkout song. It really pumps you up and it really makes me want to fight.”

Drake, HYFR

“I just like the beat and the words are great. The words remind me of the good times when I used to go out. It puts me in a good mood.”

Drake, The Motto

“This is another song that has a great beat and the lyrics are good too, they’re inspiring and make me want to accomplish stuff in my own life.”

2 Chainz featuring Drake, No Lie

“Anything with 2 Chainz at the moment is pretty good, and with Drake added to it, it just gets better.”


Do you watch much TV and if so, what TV shows are you into?

“I’m actually watching a lot of TV right now as I’m hooked on Netflix. I watch pretty much watch everything. I really like Game of Thrones, the third season just ended recently but that’s really good. I’m a big fan of Dexter too. Me and my girl will sometimes pick a TV show and watch an entire season through a weekend, it’s like a long movie.”

It’s cool you’re into Dexter considering it’s based in the same state as you. Does it feel authentic?

“It’s pretty cool to see a good show based in Miami, I mean it’s not cool that it’s about a serial killer (laughs), but it’s cool to see local places that you pass by. When you see the characters go to a place on the show or drive by it you can’t help but say, ‘I’ve been there before.’”

What TV show would you like to star in?

“I’d like to be on Dexter, that would be cool. I also really, really want to be on Sons of Anarchy, that would be a cool show to be on. We could have the ATT biker gang.”


What was the last movie you watched and what did you think of it?

“The last film I watched was Warm Bodies, it’s a film about the zombie apocalypse and the humans have found a cure for the zombies which is love. It’s a bit cheesy but it’s actually a pretty funny movie.”

Being based in Florida we were wondering if you’d watched the documentary Cocaine Cowboys?

“Yes, I have, that’s a really good documentary. I watched it about three years ago and I’d only seen the first part of the documentary not the whole thing. It’s a pretty interesting story that Miami was built on cocaine money.”

What was the last movie you cried at?

“That’s a hard one. I don’t really cry at films, but I might slip a tear here and there. I’ll make my girlfriend happy and say The Notebook (laughs).” 

Did you genuinely find it sad or was it too cheesy?

“It was definitely very cheesy, however, if you really take on board what the movie was trying to accomplish then it’s a sad movie, but at the same time that would never happen. That guy wouldn’t have waited that long, but ladies, it’s good to

dream (laughs).” 


You said you used to go to the clubs a lot and Miami is known for having some stylish people. What kind of attire do you go partying in?

“Miami is known for being hot so I always tried to wear a T-shirt, jeans, some nice sneakers, a shirt and some jewelry – but not much. I found that you’ve got to keep it simple but still keep it sexy (laughs).” 

Are you a bit of a sneaker freak?

“Definitely. I wear a lot of the Gucci sneakers and the Louis V sneakers. Those are very expensive sneakers but they last you for a long time. In Miami it’s all about the Jordan’s, but I try to go with a different approach. I walk around in a lot of high tops.”

You love sunglasses too, which brand is your favorite?

“I’m actually sponsored by Malcolm sunglasses, so those are the everyday shades I wear. However, if I go to a fancy place I’ve got to have my Louis V shades – and they always look good.”
