Issue 105

September 2013

Fight camp fuel from inside the ice-boxes of champions. Bellator’s Brazilian featherweight finisher spins a mean pizza

What are some of the must-haves you always have in your fridge?

“Pudding, milk and water.”

 What do you gorge on?

“Acai and esfiha (a meat-filled pastry).”

 What do you cheat with?

“I don’t eat cheat meals.” 

 Do you keep anything special in your freezer?

“I only keep acai berries in there.”

 What is your favorite bottled sauce?

“It’s a British sauce – HP it’s called.”


What dessert do you enjoy?

“Pudding, pudding, pudding, pudding (laughs).”

 What is your favorite meal during fight camp?

“I eat everything as I don’t struggle with weight. My staples are rice, beans, pasta, eggs, fish, chicken and red meat.”

What is your own signature dish?

 “I have sponsorship deals with Le Brants Pizzeria and Iaia Garcia Italian restaurants here in Brazil. They are like friends, so I go there a lot to make pizza and pasta.”

What meal do you eat after the weigh-in?

“I eat pasta, chicken, bread, bananas – and I drink a lot of Coke (laughs).”

Which nationality of food is your favorite?

“I think Italian food, for sure.” 

What food do you look forward to most after a fight?

“I always go to a good steakhouse to feed my craving to eat meat, because I stay away from eating meat in the final two weeks of my fight camp.”

Loves: Whatever dinner is

Hates: People who smoke around food


There are eight species of acai berries native to Central and South America from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

The original HP sauce was developed in 1895 and the name stands for ‘Houses of Parliament’.

If you lined up 1.3 million pounds of 16oz spaghetti packages, it could circle the earth’s equator almost nine times! 

WHICH . . . ?

Pepsi or Coke?


Milk or beer?


Coffee or tea?


Marj’ or butter?


Salt or pepper? 


Brown or white bread?


Chocolate or cheese 


Pasta or rice?


Sweet or savory?


Cooking – missus or mother? 

Mother obviously, (laughs)
