Issue 093

October 2012

Top UFC featherweight Dustin Poirier may be one of MMA’s newest prospects, but he tells us why he likes to keep his musical taste old school...

What type of music do you listen to?

“I listen to rap, but I listen to a lot of Gnarls Barkley. Sometimes I put both albums on repeat, because they’re my favorite band. I love them. If I could see them live around here (Louisiana) I would. I think they’d be great live and it’s a bit of a shame that they’ve only released two albums.”

Has your music taste changed since you’ve gotten older?

“I never used to listen to rock. I only used to listen to rap and hip-hop. Now I’m more into a lot more old rock. I still listen to hip-hop, but really some of the old-school stuff like ATLiens by OutKast and stuff like that.”

Have you got any favorite artists right now?

“Honestly, I wouldn’t even be able to tell you when it comes to new artists right now. I don’t really listen to new stuff. I listen to a lot of Metallica. I love One and Fade to Black. I like Lil Wayne, but none of his recent stuff. I’m into his older catalogue, when he was part of The Hot Boyz.” 

Do you listen to any different music when you’re at home?

“I pretty much listen to the same stuff. When I’m training I’ll listen to stuff 

that’s a little bit more heavier, like Metallica, but I won’t really listen to it when I’m at home. I like to listen to more chilled-out stuff when I’m at home.”

Do you always comes out to the same walkout song or do you like to mix it up a bit?

“I like to mix it up a little. I’ve come out to Johnny Cash a few times. I’ve also walked out to Bad Company, Lil Wayne and Gnarls Barkley, so you can pretty much tell that my music taste varies (laughs).”



1 Outkast, OvA DA WUDZ

“I’m a big OutKast fan, especially the ATLiens album. Obviously I’m from the South and so are they, so I was around their music quite a bit. This album was pretty big when I was younger.”

2 Notorious B.I.G, Living The Life

“This track is actually on one of the duet albums that was released like eight years after he died. Honestly, though, I’m way more into the stuff he made when he was alive. I love the his first album Ready To Die.”

3 Foster The People, Waste 

“I found out about them from listening to the radio and I heard that Pumped Up Kicks song, and I decided to buy the album from iTunes just to see what else they had on there. It’s not as good as Pumped Up Kicks, but it’s a good song nonetheless.” 

4 Erykah Badu, Green Eyes

“Man, I love her voice. She’s far more than just a singer, she’s a poet and she truly makes some really good music. I definitely listen to her sometimes.”

5 2pac, So Many Tears

“I grew up listening to him, so I’ve got a lot of respect for him. He was really part of the beginning of that hardcore hip-hop phase of music and that’s the sort of hip-hop I enjoy. I’m not too into some of these new rappers around now.”
