Issue 064
July 2010
Things we hear, things we see, things we know.
GSP: “Koscheck is the perfect villain”
As welterweight champion Georges St Pierre and Josh Koscheck get ready to face off as rival coaches on TUF 12, the Canadian superathlete has told of how he actually likes Kos’s bad boy image. “I like Josh Koscheck, he’s awesome. It’s going to build up the fight better saying bad things to each other,” St Pierre joked in a recent interview. “He’s a perfect villain. I like him even more ‘cause of this.”
Shane Carwin is extra, extra large
Once the proud owner of size XXXXL fists, Shane Carwin (along with Lesnar, the only other man with equally-massive paws) will now wear double XL gloves instead. “The new gloves made by Century for the UFC are 2XL and seem to have less padding,” Carwin told his Twitter followers, adding a cheeky smiley face on the end.
Polish power brings the viewers
According to insiders on the Polish MMA scene, local event KSW 13 pulled in over a million more viewers in Poland alone than Strikeforce: Nashville did in the entire USA. Despite Poland being a significantly smaller country than the USA, the appearance of national hero Mariusz Pudzianowski (the Polish strongman and celebrity) meant that over 4.2 million viewers tuned in to see him beat Yusuke Kawaguchi by unanimous decision. Strikeforce: Nashville pulled in an average of 2.6 million viewers.
Frye goes under the knife
Mustached tough guy Don Frye had to return to hospital recently for a third back surgery after complications saw his condition take a turn for the worse. The 44-year-old legend won two UFC tournaments in 1996 and forged a career as one of the most popular fighters in Japan, but hasn’t fought since September 2009 and has pursued a developing acting career. Beset by health problems after a near-14-year career as a professional fighter, Frye announced his retirement in February 2010. We wish him a speedy recovery.