Issue 114

May 2014

Fighting your teammates is a taboo subject in MMA, so FO stages its own three-round, 15-question face-off 

Reign MMA training partners Tom Watson and Patrick Cummins collide in our fantasy Q&A Octagon

Round 1: Around the Octagon

What age did you start training?

Tom Watson

“I was 16 years old.”

Patrick Cummins

“I started wrestling when I was 12 or 13 but I didn’t start MMA until I was 28.”

How quick was your fastest knockout?

Tom Watson

“I believe it was around a minute into the first round.” (1:56, MFC 24)

Patrick Cummins

“Two minutes and change.” (Actually it was 1:07, Xplode Fight Series)

Toughest opponent faced? 

Tom Watson

“That’s tough. Probably in boxing. They were all really hard battles.”

Patrick Cummins

“That’s an easy one now: Daniel Cormier.”

Favourite part of training camp?

Tom Watson

“The week of the fight. All the work is done and I get to relax, really.”

Patrick Cummins

“I’ve never had one, so my favourite part will actually be having one.”

How many Fight, Sub’ or KO ‘...of the Night’ bonuses have you had? 

Tom Watson

“In the UFC it’s two, but in other promotions it’s about eight or nine.”

Patrick Cummins

“Zero, so far.”

9/10 – UFC newcomer Cummins gets off to a good start


What car do you drive?

Tom Watson

“A BMW 545i.”

Patrick Cummins

“I don’t own a car. I have a mountain bike. I sold my car when I was broke.”

Do you have any higher education? 

Tom Watson

“I studied at university, so I have a BA.”

Patrick Cummins

“Bachelor of Fine Arts from Penn State University.”

Do you have any pets?

Tom Watson

“I used to have a few dogs but I don’t 

have any pets in America.”

Patrick Cummins

“Weirdly, I have yeast culture. It’s living and I feed it daily. It’s all I can handle.”

What is your favourite meal?

Tom Watson

“It’s not really a meal but anything with cheese on it.”

Patrick Cummins

“Pancakes. I could write a book about my pancake recipes.”

Who is your ideal woman? 

Tom Watson

“A doctor that also speaks many languages.”

Patrick Cummins

“Joan Rivers.”

10/10 – Nothing to separate these two in the seconD STANZA

Round 3: HAVE YOU EVER...

…stolen anything from a hotel? 

Tom Watson

“Of course. Shampoo, soap, robes, anything I can get.”

Patrick Cummins

“Not unless you include the little bottles of shampoo.”

…dropped food on the floor but eaten it anyway? 

Tom Watson

“Yeah. Anybody that says no is not being honest.”

Patrick Cummins

“I don’t subscribe to the five-second rule, I have a 30-second rule.”

…had a crush on a friend’s mother? 

Tom Watson

“Yeah, sure.”

Patrick Cummins

“No, I wish I had as I thrive in awkward situations and that qualifies as one.”

…killed your dinner? 

Tom Watson

“I grew up on a farm.”

Patrick Cummins

“A few times. Some deer, duck and geese. I’m looking into doing a boar hunt soon.”

…ridden an animal? 

Tom Watson

“Yes. I actually rode a cow when I was younger.”

Patrick Cummins

“Yes, a horse.”

10/9 – Horny ‘Kong’ save his skin with a very close round

Some truly bizarre answers from both sides. We score it 29/29
