Issue 138
March 2019
Capitalize on your opponent’s forward momentum to send them careering across the canvas
Kenny Johnson Premier MMA wrestling coach with students including BJ Penn, José Aldo and Anderson Silva. He’s aided by Pedro Munhoz
1: Kenny and Pedro are clinched in the center of the cage. Kenny has an underhook with his right arm and a C-grip on Pedro’s bicep.
2: Kenny’s grip on the bicep prevents Pedro from pummeling for an underhook with his right arm.
3: Using his control, Kenny shifts his weight to push Pedro backward and establish control of the clinch.
4: Pedro resists and tries to neutralize Kenny’s forward momentum by pushing back.
5: Kenny uses Pedro’s momentum against him to make him lose his balance. He pulls with his underhook and pushes with his bicep control.
Practice pummeling with a partner by alternating underhooks in the clinch to get comfortable up close.
Use your opponent’s momentum against him by shooting for a takedown or attempting a throw as he pushes forward.
Attempting foot sweeps in the clinch will upset your opponent’s balance and can create openings for you to improve your upper body lock.