Issue 167

April 2005

Skip Hall, at 60 years old, is the oldest active Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter in the world. He holds Black Belts in several standup and ground styles. Skip has fought throughout the world and in the US in MMA, kickboxing and boxing. He is a world class record holder in the deadlift (600+ pounds) and benchpress (450+ pounds) powerlifting events. Skip is well-known for his incredible physical condition, ferocious fighting and performance training techniques. He is a full-time, certified personal trainer and sports nutrition specialist in Pelham, Alabama. You may reach him at e-mail:

One day in the pre-fight diet for Slip Hall

Any diet plan is tied to the specific caloric output routines that a fighter is performing. In other words, this day in my diet is typical up to one week before the actual fight. It is keyed to my daily physical routines which includes two one-hour sessions of cardio (running) and a half-hour cardio session (in fight round intervals, i.e. 5 min+ rounds), an hour of weight training, and an hour and a half of specific fight training (grappling, kickboxing, and/or boxing) - a total of 5 hours of moderate to intense caloric output. This diet will keep you energetic while permitting you to stay lean along the way:


1 cup Cooked Oatmeal with cinnamon

3-6 large Boiled Egg Whites

1 large Boiled Egg Yellow

1 Banana

1 cup Green Tea

Mid-moming Snack

1 package Prepackaged Tuna (approx 28 grams of protein)

1 cup Canned Mixed Fruit

1 tsp Flaxseed Oil


4-8 oz Grilled Chicken Breast

1 dozen Carrot Sticks

1 small Baked Sweet Potato

Aftemoon Snack

1 cup Cottage Cheese

1 cup Low Carb Mixed Fruit w/o Syrup

1 tsp Flaxseed Oil


4-8 oz Grilled Salmon

1 cup.Steamed Broccoli

1 cup Steamed Brown Rice

Pre-Bedtime Snack

30 grams Protein Shake Mixed Using Skimmed Milk

2 tbsp Wheatgerm
