Issue 152
March 2017
- Egg yolks
Contains plenty of the noggin-enhancing nutrient, choline. The yolk also boosts testosterone to get you in a better mood.
- Beef liver
Keeps you topped up with vitamins B6 and 12, which are essential for brain function and performance.
- Green tea
Need more mental toughness to see your goals through? Theanine is the nutrient you need and a couple cups of green tea will provide it.
- Portabello mushrooms
Besides sunbathing, these fungi are the perfect way to get more of your mood-elevating vitamin D.
- Salmon
Brain-powering and depression destroying – two traits of this super fish. Eat daily or supplement with Omega 3.
- Blueberries
A cocktail of antioxidants and vitamins including A and C, these are great for getting more blood to your think tank.
- Sunflower seeds
Dopamine is a brain chemical that increases your feel good factor. Sunflower seeds have got your fix.
- Grape juice
Up the levels of serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin in your gray matter for better emotional wellbeing. How? A cup of grape juice.
- Lentils
High-fiber legumes that keep your blood sugar stable for sustained levels of energy and motivation.
- Isotonic sports drink
Research shows that any daily activity that requires willpower saps glucose from your brain, so top yours up with a few sips.
- Dried oregano
The food with the most luteolin by a country mile, which will help your memory, brain health and reduce brain inflammation.
- Dark chocolate
A modest amount of caffeine for an energy hike and brain improving polyphenols - what’s not to like about this dark treat?
- Pumpkin seeds
Low zinc creates low testosterone and these are rammed with ludicrously high levels of this essential mineral.
- Free range eggs
These are high in vitamin D, rammed with the cholesterol needed for testosterone production and a valuable protein source.
- Wheat bran
Rich in magnesium, which can lead to increased testosterone swirling around your bloodstream with a high intake.
- Cocoa powder
Load a few teaspoons into your protein shake to flush your body with more magnesium and antioxidants.
- Almond butter
Nuts with a trifecta of testosterone-boosters: zinc, magnesium and fats.
- Sardines
They’re cheap, easy to eat and swimming in the protein, vitamin D and healthy fats needed to keep your T-count high.
- Ricotta cheese
Loaded with plenty of whey protein, which a study at the University of Connecticut found blunts cortisol, testosterone’s opposite number.
- Tuna
Protein? Check. Zinc? Check. Healthy fats? Check. Magnesium? Check – so eat up.
- Coconut
A stellar source of healthy saturated fat, which you need to make up about 10% of your calories for optimal testosterone levels.
- Red meat
The manliest of proteins, loaded with zinc and fats needed to make you a very virile.
- Chili peppers
Their capsaicin can be really helpful in the fight against DOMS.
- Onions
All varieties add a huge quercitin spike to your system that’ll fight aches with flavor.
- Pineapple
A rich source of bromelain, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The core is massively alkaline, which can promote healing.
- Capers
Not to everyone’s taste, but they have the highest natural source of the anti-inflammatory agent quercitin.
- Curcumin
This is made from turmeric, which pumps up your defenses against inflammation.
- Boswellia
This Indian herb can be as powerful as pharmaceutical-grade anti-inflammatories.
- Ginger root
This can settle a dodgy stomach and act as a grade-A anti-inflammatory agent.
- Broccoli
Research at Columbia University found people who ate a high-fIber, high-protein, low-fat diet had more deep sleep – vital for a better immune system.
- Pine nuts
These protein rich snacks stimulate your leptin and ghrelin levels positively, gearing you towards a healthier appetite the next day.
- Manuka honey
This digests so fast it’ll spike, then crash your blood sugar so you can ride the downward spiral to an early bedtime.
- Jasmine rice
The University of Sydney in Australia found eating this four hours before bed helped people nod off faster. Thai for dinner?
- Tart cherry juice
A paper in the Journal of Medicinal Food says this helps insomniacs nod off easier.
- Chamomile tea
Want to chill? This tea will help you punch the Z’s faster than most others, found a study in Molecular Medicine Report.
- Milk
It doesn’t have to be warmed but does have the tryptophan needed to help you relax to the max.