Issue 165
March 2018
The former featherweight champ looks back at five of his most formative fights including his two career-defining contests against Urijah Faber.
1. Urijah Faber, WEC 36: Faber vs. Brown
I remember our team was really hot at the time. We were doing really well. I was training with a bunch of killers. I was really confident, to be honest. I knew that I could hang with the best guys in the world. I knew what was out there. I knew the caliber of fighters that was out there. I was confident that I could hold my own withanybody. I felt like I was bigger, stronger and that I couldhit harder than Faber. I was the underdog so for me mentally, it was a really easy fight to go into. Only goodthings can happen. I always liked the underdog role. Iliked that feeling going into a fight.
2. Leonard Garcia, WEC 39
He was coming off a couple of big wins. He'd knockedout Jens Pulver and Hiroyuki Takaya. Again, I wasconfident with the matchup. He was a big puncher. Itwent well for me. I think the very first punch I threwlanded solid and he went down. It was a nice finish.I dropped him and then I had the quick barrage ofpunches, I cut him open then I submitted him witha head and arm choke from the mount. With thosetwo performances my stock was really rising and myconfidence was really rolling. It’s crazy how important confidence is. I believed in myself more than ever.
3. Yves Edwards, BodogFIGHT: Clash of the Nations
That was a big deal for me. That was the first time I evermade money in a fight. I'd had twenty fights at that pointand the most money I'd ever made was $2,000. Therewas no money being made. Finally, I got a break where Iactually made some money. It was life-changing for me.It wasn’t crazy money but it was more than $2,000! Yves is a guy who I have looked up to for many years. There was a time in my career where there was no way I would ever have had a chance to beat him. But I was maturing
as a fighter. I was coming into my own. I was really getting a deeper understanding of fighting and I was now capable of competing against a guy like him. He
is a great fighter and one of the best fighters I have ever fought. I believe at one point he was the number one lightweight in the world. We had a very close fight. And
that particular fight gave me confidence in knowing that if I can hang with Yves Edwards then I can hang with anyone in the world.
4. Jose Aldo, WEC 44
That was for all the marbles. That was for the number one spot in the world and an important fight for me. It was not my best fight. It was for a very prestigious world title. Win or lose, it was an important fight in history. He was a great champion and I still consider him the greatest featherweight of all time at this point. He had a hell of a reign and it was an honor to fight him.
5. Urijah Faber, WEC 41
In Sacramento, there is literally a Urijah Faber day. I was really hated. I think it was the most hostile crowd, maybe the second most hostile crowd, I have ever been witness to. The first was Colby Covington in Brazil. Aside from that, Sacramento was the most hostile crowd I have ever known. It was the perfect storm. The California Kid in his hometown. I was the guy that upset him. Now we are going back for him to get his redemption. It was an exciting fight. It was a five rounder. There were a lot of ups and downs. He broke his hand in the fight. There was some drama to it.